TagMatiks Software Integration Options and APIs
Integrate your RFID data and analytics with the TagMatiks platform with out of the box APIs to business systems like ERPs and warehouse management systems.
Unlock and Integrate Your Data With Streamlined Options and Offerings.
Although the TagMatiks platform can be used independently for optimizing and tacking various use cases, in today’s connected world, it’s important to have your data at your fingertips. With information being invaluable, use our out of the box secured APIs to integrate with your business applications.
APIs Unleashed
TagMatiks solutions offer an out of the box API to connect your data back to your business systems. Bring in your business relevant data to provide value to users and update backend systems with simplicity.

Access the complete API documentation by logging into your instance TagMatiks and navigating under the Help Menu option.

Just Want The RFID Data?
Explore TagMatiks Core and TagMatiks Wedge to collect data and feed into your business systems.
TagMatiks Core
Complete RFID middleware to manage your RFID fixed and overhead readers along with printers. Feed data directly into your business systems. Leverage APIs, templated database integrations and flat files to simplify your project.
TagMatiks Wedge
Quickly collect data with RFID handheld and generate a simple file or point to an API for a lightweight approach to data collection and integration.