Dock Doors with RFID

Bolster Your Shipping and Receiving

Cutdown on manual shipping and receiving and take advantage of RFID for your dock doors. Attached RFID at the pallet, case or item level to assist in workflows and increase operational efficiencies. Quickly determine any variances and take action!

How it works

RFID labels attached to individual units

1. Tag Items

RFID Tags are attached at the pallet, case or individual item level. This unit of measure where RFID tags are associated may differ from business to business. Often times, existing labeling may be replaced with an RFID label or a dedicated RFID label may be added on.


2. Configure READ POINTS

Configure RFID Enabled Portals or read points. RFID portals read the goods as they pass through the portals at the dock doors. Additional input and output sensors can be associated at these portals for data collection and operational feedback. Examples include electric eyes to capture product directionality as well as light stacks to provide user feedback.



Gain Valuable Insight – as data is collected at each dock door, capture intelligent data and quickly be notified of issues. For example, when loading a truck, as the RFID label is being read at the dock door portals, if the product is expired, flash a red light indicating to the user that something is incorrect.

Valuable Workflows

Finished Goods Tracking

Track finished goods pallets from manufacturing to distribution. Attached an RFID label in lieu of a traditional pallet license plate label. As product is moving out of manufacturing to distribution, use RFID to quickly and accurately update your ERP system.

Pick / Shipment Verification

When shipping off a picklist, incorrect or surplus items are always an expensive mistake. With RFID, after picking or right before shipping, cross verify that each items that is on a pallet matches with the expected picklist. If done manually, this task can be prone to error and time consuming, but with RFID, the workflow can be automated and provide invaluable business intelligence.



Reduce time to conduct shipping and receiving


Automated business transitions


Increased visibility to operations


Increased accuracy of shipments

Complete User Control

Real time data visibility

TagMatiks RFID Software solution
TagMatiks RFID technology

TagMatiks Core

Leverage TagMatiks Core to configure, manage and collect data from RFID portals. The out of the box APIs and connectors to ERP and WMS systems make it easy to feed data back to your business systems and compare what’s being read at your dock doors to what should be there. TagMatiks Core handles the communication to your RFID hardware and manages connectivity to your existing software making it easy to jump start your RFID project.