TagMatiks RFID Software Platform Pricing and Packages

Explore the TagMatiks RFID4U RFID Software Pricing and Packages available for cloud based and in premise RFID deployment. Available with various options.

TagMatiks Products Pricing

Explore the different TagMatiks products and their pricing


Quick & Simple
Starts At


Up to 500 Scans
One Time License-$99
(per RFID handheld or device)

Collect data with an RFID handheld and feed directly into your business systems

AT Lite

Great for Pilots & POCs
Starts At:


Up to 99 Assets
One Time License
(see below for cost)

Perfect for starting your RFID Asset Tracking Initiative

Enterprise Apps

Most Popular
Starts At:


per RFID Device
(billed annually)

Next Generation RFID Solutions - Cloud Hosted, Enterprise Driven.

Custom Solutions

Tailored solutions for your business needs

TagMatiks AT Lite - Pricing

Key Features Free Bronze Silver Gold
Quantity of Assets Included 99 750 2000 5000
Inventory Counts & Transactions Check Mark Check Mark Check Mark Check Mark
Custom Attribute Check Mark Check Mark Check Mark
Import / Export & Reports Check Mark Check Mark Check Mark Check Mark
Backup & Restore Check Mark Check Mark Check Mark
Migration to Enterprise Version Check Mark Check Mark Check Mark Check Mark
Start Free – Up to 99 AssetsStart Free – Up to 99 Assets One Time $499One Time $499 One Time $999One Time $999 One Time $1999One Time $1999

Frequently Asked Questions – TagMatiks Asset Tracking Lite

Are Deleted Assets Considered When Calculating Asset Limits?

No, only active assets are considered.

Can I Migrate My License to Another Smart Device?

Yes, using the Bronze, Silver or Gold Editions, the Backup and Restore features can be used to automatically migrate the license to another smart device. Please note that this feature does require online connectivity.

TagMatiks Wedge - Pricing

Start Free

Up to500


One Time License Cost – $99
Includes In Built Support 

Frequently Asked Questions – TagMatiks Wedge

How many devices are supported per license?

Each license is valid for one RFID device and tied to the serial number of the device.

Can I install a license of TagMatiks Wedge on multiple smart devices?

Yes, but for each license, only one device will be valid.

What is a considered a device?

TagMatiks Wedge supports a wide variety of RFID handhelds and sleds for data collection. Any RFID handheld or sled would be considered a device. For a list of supported devices and features, please see more on TagMatiks Wedge

TagMatiks Enterprise Apps – Pricing

TagMatiks RFID Software Platform


device per year

Includes access to an enterprise application TagMatiks application along with TagMatiks Core (Middleware)

Mobility suite of applications that can be directly downloaded from Android and iOS App Stores.

Secure API Access

Reporting & Analytics Engine

In Built Support with options for extended support (More on support)

See additional features

Frequently Asked Questions – TagMatiks Enterprise

What is considered a device?

The TagMatiks platform supports a wide variety of RFID readers, handhelds, sleds and printers. Each of these would be considered a device. RFID tags are not considered devices.

What Applications Are Available under the Tagmatiks Enterprise Pricing?

TagMatiks Asset Tracking (AT), TagMatiks Core, TagMatiks Field Inventory (FI), and TagMatiks Set Tracking (ST)

Can I Reset My List of Devices?

Yes, we understand that users may replace hardware as time goes on and offer a swapping provision up to two times a year per device license.

*The contents of this page are provided for informational purposes only and are not warranted to be error free.
**All pricing reflective on this page are in USD, effective June 1, 2020.