RFID IT Asset Tracking

Optimize your IT Asset Tracking

Optimize your IT Asset Tracking

In today’s digital age, every enterprise has a wide variety of IT Assets used by their employees to improve their day to day productivity. Whether this be laptops, computers and tablets in an office or warehouse environment or servers and switches in a data center, it is essential to have accountability for each asset.

How RFID IT Asset Tracking Works


1. Tag Items

RFID tags and labels are attached to IT Assets. The TagMatiks On Metal RFID Labels are great for IT assets that have may have metal surfaces or hidden below the surface.


2. RFID Reader

Use a combination of RFID hardware to better manage IT Assets. For example, use RFID handhelds to inventory areas such as conference rooms, storage facilities, and office layouts. Place RFID fixed read points in strategic areas of faculties to collect movement of IT Assets. Examples include hallways where assets may commonly pass through or building main lobbies where assets shouldn’t be going out. In addition, other options can include stations to check-in/ checkout assets to users.


3. Data Collection

Collect data through workflows noted above and use to make better business decisions. Understand asset utilization for improving future purchasing and predict maintenance based on usage. In addition, provide visibility of asset location using RFID as a key data collection technology.

Valuable Workflows

Asset Allocation

Use RFID technology to quickly and efficiently allocate assets to employees, vendors and customers. As the technology provides the ability to scan multiple assets at a time, you can streamline traditionally manual workflows.

Physical Audits

Automate physical audits of IT assets. With RFID technology, bulk scan assets using RFID handhelds to quickly identify the presence of assets. As RFID technology doesn’t require line of site, avoid having to bend under desks and turnover assets to find identification barcodes. Simply scan from a distance and quickly identify variances. The use case can be applied to scheduled counts as well to ensure that assets are not misplaced.

Benefits of RFID IT Asset Tracking

Automate manual business workflows
Understand the location and movement of assets
Improve asset utilization
Determine variances quickly and rectify
Enhance asset management to streamline business operations

Applications of RFID IT Asset Tracking


Monitor and manage servers, network equipment, and other critical IT assets in data centers. Ensure optimal performance and reduce downtime with real-time tracking and maintenance alerts.


Track laptops, desktops, and other IT equipment across corporate offices. Enhance security and improve asset utilization by knowing the exact location and status of your IT assets.


Manage IT assets in schools, colleges, and universities. RFID IT Asset Tracking helps prevent theft, reducing losses, and ensuring that students and staff have access to the necessary technology.


Secure and manage IT assets in government offices and facilities. RFID technology helps enhance security, reducing losses, and improving asset accountability.

Why Choose RFID4U for RFID IT Asset Tracking?


With 25+ years of experience in RFID technology, we provide reliable and efficient RFID IT asset-tracking solutions tailored to your specific needs.

Comprehensive Support

Our dedicated support team is available to assist you at every step, from implementation to ongoing maintenance. We ensure that your RFID system operates smoothly and efficiently.


We offer a ready to deploy solution for RFID IT Asset Tracking solutions to meet the unique requirements of your business through our TagMatiks platform. Our flexible approach ensures that you get the most out of your investment.


Trusted by numerous businesses across various industries, our RFID IT asset-tracking solutions have a proven track record of success. Join our satisfied clients and experience the benefits of advanced IT asset management.


We are ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 certified.

Case Studies of RFID IT Asset Tracking

Workflow Automation using RFID & Mobility technology with the TagMatiks platform
TagMatiks RFID Software solution
TagMatiks RFID technology

RFID Software for IT Asset Tracking

Adopt TagMatiks Asset Tracking to improve the management of IT Assets for your organization. Use the built in workflows to quickly check-in, checkout and transfer assets. Use RFID to simplify physical audits and scheduled assets counts. Take advantage of extensive reporting and analytics to make better business decisions.

TagMatiks Asset Tracking Software for Government

Frequently Asked Questions

What is RFID IT asset tracking?

RFID IT asset tracking uses Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology to automatically identify and track IT assets, such as servers, computers, and networking equipment, within a specified area.

How does RFID IT asset tracking work?

RFID asset tags are attached to IT assets. These tags emit a unique signal that can be read by RFID readers, allowing the assets to be tracked in real-time.

How do I get started with RFID IT asset tracking?

To get started with RFID IT asset tracking, contact an RFID solution provider like RFID4U to discuss your specific needs and get a tailored solution for your enterprise.

What types of RFID tags are used in IT asset tracking?

Passive RFID tags (powered by the reader signal) and active RFID tags (with their own power source) are commonly used. Passive tags are more affordable, while active tags offer a longer range.

What are the benefits of using RFID for IT asset tracking?

Benefits include real-time asset visibility, improved inventory accuracy, reduced loss or theft, efficient audits, and automated maintenance alerts.

How accurate is RFID IT asset tracking?

RFID can provide highly accurate asset tracking, with some systems offering accuracy levels of 99% or higher.

Can RFID tags be reused for different assets?

Yes, RFID tags can be reprogrammed and reused, though this depends on the specific tag type and technology.

How does RFID asset tracking integrate with existing IT systems?

RFID tracking systems can be integrated with existing IT systems, such as ERP or asset management software, via APIs or middleware.

What industries commonly use RFID for IT asset tracking?

Industries such as healthcare, finance, government, and data centers commonly use RFID for tracking IT assets.

What are the security considerations for RFID IT asset tracking?

Encryption and authentication protocols are important to protect data transmitted by RFID tags and prevent unauthorized access.

How much does it cost to implement RFID IT asset tracking?

Costs vary depending on the size and scope of the deployment, including hardware (tags, readers), software, and installation costs.

Can RFID track assets across multiple locations?

Yes, RFID systems can be designed to track assets across multiple locations, either through a centralized database or cloud-based solutions.

How are RFID tags attached to IT assets?

RFID tags can be attached using adhesive, screws, or embedded in asset labels, depending on the asset type and tag design.

What is the lifespan of an RFID tag used for IT asset tracking?

Passive RFID tags can last for many years, often as long as the asset’s lifecycle. Active RFID tags have a limited battery life, typically ranging from 3 to 5 years

Can RFID IT asset tracking be used for inventory management?

Yes, RFID is effective for inventory management, providing real-time data on asset availability and location.

How does RFID compare to barcode-based asset tracking?

RFID offers faster, more accurate tracking and doesn’t require line-of-sight like barcodes, making it more efficient for large-scale or complex environments.

Can RFID tags interfere with IT equipment?

Generally, RFID tags do not interfere with IT equipment, but proper placement and frequency selection are important to avoid potential issues.

What challenges are associated with RFID IT asset tracking?

Challenges include high initial setup costs, potential interference with metal or liquid environments, and ensuring proper tag and reader placement.

Can RFID help in asset recovery and theft prevention?

Yes, RFID tracking can help quickly locate lost or stolen assets and can be integrated with alarms or access control systems for theft prevention.