TagMatiks Wedge is in-expensive RFID software to get your data collected, decoded and where you need it. You can download at no cost and use for free up to 500 scans. Download the iOS or Android versions directly from the iOS App Store or Android Play Store by searching TagMatiks Wedge or clicking on the direct links. Get 24 x 7 Help from our success center TagMatiksWedge.com.
Many of our users leverage the application to collect RFID tag data and feed that into their other business systems including an ERP, WMS or custom business application. The solution itself supports different types of RFID handheld devices to provide flexibility. The latest versions of TagMatiks Wedge adds many new features to provide additional value to existing and new users.
Reference File & Inventory View
The new reference file feature allows users to import in a reference file into TagMatiks Wedge. The columns in this reference file can then be used to display additional information when scanning items. The reference file feature can lookup information based on the RFID tag or label that was read. The Inventory View allows users to map out the format they want to display data on the screen and choose how it is displayed. The data from the reference file can also be included as part of the export out from TagMatiks Wedge. More information on this feature can be found here: https://tagmatikswedge.com/ios/setup/reference-file

Additional RFID reader support
The latest releases for TagMatiks Wedge also added support for new RFID readers including the Zebra RFD40 series (RFD40 standard, premium and premium plus), RFD90 series (standard and long range) as well as the Caen trID.
Kill Tag
A new feature was added that supports the ability to kill RFID tags directly from TagMatiks Wedge. Although this is not a traditional feature used during an inventory process, we have added a configuration that can be used as part of a separate workflow for edge cases where an RFID tag or label needs to be permanently killed.
Other minor enhancements
Other minor enhancements include upgrading of the MDID version for additional RFID chip types as well as UI/UX and security enhancements.